go get github.com/kevinbin/mysqldba
Welcome to the MySQL DBA Toolbox.
Author: HongBin <hongbin119@gmail.com>
Version: 3.0
mysqldba [command]
Available Commands:
doctor mysql error log anaylze & watch
help Help about any command
monitor A MySQL monitor like iostat
rbr2sbr Convert a rbr binary log to sbr format
repairGtid Compare master(source) and slave(destination) GTID to find inconsistent
slowlog Capture MySQL slow log
-h, --help help for mysqldba
-H, --host string mysql host ip (default "localhost")
-p, --password string mysql login password (default "root")
-P, --port int mysql server port (default 3306)
-u, --user string mysql login user (default "root")
Use "mysqldba [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This tool is a personal project and has not been rigorously and extensively tested. The author shall not be held responsible for any loss caused in the process of use, and the user shall bear the responsibility.
Some of the features of this tool are inspired by orzdba, thanks to the orzdba author.
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