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Scalable Network Stack supporting TCP/IP, RoCEv2, UDP/IP at 10-100Gbit/s

Table of contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Compiling HLS modules
  3. Interfaces
    1. TCP/IP
    2. ROCE
  4. Benchmarks
  5. Publications
  6. Citation
  7. Contributors

Getting Started


  • Xilinx Vivado 2019.1
  • cmake 3.0 or higher

Supported boards (out of the box)

  • Xilinx VC709
  • Xilinx VCU118
  • Alpha Data ADM-PCIE-7V3

Compiling (all) HLS modules and install them to your IP repository

  1. Optionally specify the location of your IP repository:
export $IPREPO_DIR=/home/myname/iprepo
  1. Create a build directory
mkdir build
cd build

2.a) Configure build

cmake .. -DDATA_WIDTH=64 -DCLOCK_PERIOD=3.1 -DFPGA_PART=xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e -DFPGA_FAMILY=ultraplus -DVIVADO_HLS_ROOT_DIR=/opt/Xilinx/Vivado//2019.1/bin/

2.b)Alternatively you can use one the board name ot configure your build

cmake .. -DDEVICE_NAME=vcu118

All cmake options:

Name Values Desription
DEVICE_NAME <vc709,vcu118,adm7v3> Supported devices
NETWORK_BANDWIDTH <10,100> Bandwidth of the Ethernet interface in Gbit/s, default depends on board
FPGA_PART Name of the FPGA part, e.g. xc7vx690tffg1761-2
FPGA_FAMILY <7series,ultraplus> Name of the FPGA part family
DATA_WIDTH <8,16,32,64> Data width of the network stack in bytes
CLOCK_PERIOD Clock period in nanoseconds, e.g. 3.1 for 100G, 6.4 for 10G
TCP_STACK_MSS Maximum segment size of the TCP/IP stack
TCP_STACK_WINDOW_SCALING_EN <0,1> Enalbing TCP Window scaling option
VIVADO_HLS_ROOT_DIR Path to Vivado HLS directory, e.g. /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1
  1. Build HLS IP cores and install them into IP repository
make installip

For an example project including the TCP/IP stack or the RoCEv2 stack with DMA to host memory checkout our Distributed Accelerator OS DavOS.

Working with individual HLS modules

  1. Setup build directory, e.g. for the TCP module
$ cd hls/toe
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DFPGA_PART=xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e -DDATA_WIDTH=8 -DCLOCK_PERIOD=3.1
  1. Run c-simulation
$ make csim
  1. Run c-synthesis
$ make synthesis
  1. Generate HLS IP core
$ make ip
  1. Install HLS IP core into the IP repository
$ make installip


All interfaces are using the AXI4-Stream protocol. For AXI4-Streams carrying network/data packets, we use the following definition in HLS:

template <int D>
struct net_axis
	ap_uint<D>    data;
	ap_uint<D/8>  keep;
	ap_uint<1>    last;


Open Connection

To open a connection the destination IP address and TCP port have to provided through the s_axis_open_conn_req interface. The TCP stack provides an answer to this request through the m_axis_open_conn_rsp interface which provides the sessionID and a boolean indicating if the connection was openend successfully.

Interface definition in HLS:

struct ipTuple
	ap_uint<32>	ip_address;
	ap_uint<16>	ip_port;
struct openStatus
	ap_uint<16>	sessionID;
	bool		success;

void toe(...
	hls::stream<ipTuple>& openConnReq,
	hls::stream<openStatus>& openConnRsp,

Close Connection

To close a connection the sessionID has to be provided to the s_axis_close_conn_req interface. The TCP/IP stack does not provide a notification upon completion of this request, however it is guranteeed that the connection is closed eventually.

Interface definition in HLS:

hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& closeConnReq,

Open a TCP port to listen on

To open a port to listen on (e.g. as a server), the port number has to be provided to s_axis_listen_port_req. The port number has to be in range of active ports: 0 - 32767. The TCP stack will respond through the m_axis_listen_port_rsp interface indicating if the port was set to the listen state succesfully.

Interface definition in HLS:

hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& listenPortReq,
hls::stream<bool>& listenPortRsp,

Receiving notifications from the TCP stack

The application using the TCP stack can receive notifications through the m_axis_notification interface. The notifications either indicate that new data is available or that a connection was closed.

Interface definition in HLS:

struct appNotification
	ap_uint<16>			sessionID;
	ap_uint<16>			length;
	ap_uint<32>			ipAddress;
	ap_uint<16>			dstPort;
	bool				closed;

hls::stream<appNotification>& notification,

Receiving data

If data is available on a TCP/IP session, i.e. a notification was received. Then this data can be requested through the s_axis_rx_data_req interface. The data as well as the sessionID are then received through the m_axis_rx_data_rsp_metadata and m_axis_rx_data_rsp interface.

Interface definition in HLS:

struct appReadRequest
	ap_uint<16> sessionID;
	ap_uint<16> length;

hls::stream<appReadRequest>& rxDataReq,
hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& rxDataRspMeta,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& rxDataRsp,

Waveform of receiving a (data) notification, requesting data, and receiving the data:

signal tcp-rx-handshake

Transmitting data

When an application wants to transmit data on a TCP connection, it first has to check if enough buffer space is available. This check/request is done through the s_axis_tx_data_req_metadata interface. If the response through the m_axis_tx_data_rsp interface from the TCP stack is positive. The application can send the data through the s_axis_tx_data_req interface. If the response from the TCP stack is negative the application can retry by sending another request on the s_axis_tx_data_req_metadata interface.

Interface definition in HLS:

struct appTxMeta
	ap_uint<16> sessionID;
	ap_uint<16> length;
struct appTxRsp
	ap_uint<16> sessionID;
	ap_uint<16> length;
	ap_uint<30> remaining_space;
	ap_uint<2>  error;

hls::stream<appTxMeta>& txDataReqMeta,
hls::stream<appTxRsp>& txDataRsp,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& txDataReq,

Waveform of requesting a data transmit and transmitting the data. signal tcp-tx-handshake

RoCE (RDMA over Converged Ethernet)

Load Queue Pair (QP)

Before any RDMA operations can be executed the Queue Pairs have to established out-of-band (e.g. over TCP/IP) by the hosts. The host can the load the QP into the RoCE stack through the s_axis_qp_interface and s_axis_qp_conn_interface interface.

Interface definition in HLS:


struct qpContext
	qpState		newState;
	ap_uint<24> qp_num;
	ap_uint<24> remote_psn;
	ap_uint<24> local_psn;
	ap_uint<16> r_key;
	ap_uint<48> virtual_address;
struct ifConnReq
	ap_uint<16> qpn;
	ap_uint<24> remote_qpn;
	ap_uint<128> remote_ip_address;
	ap_uint<16> remote_udp_port;

hls::stream<qpContext>&	s_axis_qp_interface,
hls::stream<ifConnReq>&	s_axis_qp_conn_interface,

Issue RDMA commands

RDMA commands can be issued to RoCE stack through the s_axis_tx_meta interface. In case the commands transmits data. This data can be either originate from the host memory as specified by the local_vaddr or can originate from the application on the FPGA. In the latter case the local_vaddr is set to 0 and the data is provided through the s_axis_tx_data interface.

Interface definition in HLS:


struct txMeta
	appOpCode 	op_code;
	ap_uint<24> qpn;
	ap_uint<48> local_vaddr;
	ap_uint<48> remote_vaddr;
	ap_uint<32> length;
hls::stream<txMeta>& s_axis_tx_meta,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& s_axis_tx_data,

Waveform of issuing a RDMA read request: signal roce-read-handshake

Waveform of issuing an RDMA write request where data on the FPGA is transmitted: signal roce-write-handshake


(Coming soon)


  • D. Sidler, G. Alonso, M. Blott, K. Karras et al., Scalable 10Gbps TCP/IP Stack Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware, in FCCM’15, Paper, Slides

  • D. Sidler, Z. Istvan, G. Alonso, Low-Latency TCP/IP Stack for Data Center Applications, in FPL'16, Paper


If you use the TCP/IP stack in your project please cite one of the following papers and/or link to the github project:

	author={D. Sidler and G. Alonso and M. Blott and K. Karras and others}, 
	title={{Scalable 10Gbps TCP/IP Stack Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware}}, 
	author={D. Sidler and Z. Istvan and G. Alonso}, 
	title={{Low-Latency TCP/IP Stack for Data Center Applications}}, 
	author = {Sidler, David},
	publisher = {ETH Zurich},
	year = {2019-09},
	copyright = {In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted},
	title = {In-Network Data Processing using FPGAs},


Copyright (c) 2016, Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.


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