This simple app converts a screenshot to HTML/Tailwind CSS. It uses GPT-4 Vision to generate the code and DALL-E 3 to generate similar-looking images. You can now also enter a URL to clone a live website!
See the Examples section below for more demos.
🆕 Try it here (bring your own OpenAI key - your key must have access to GPT-4 Vision. See FAQ section below for details). Or see Getting Started below for local install instructions.
The app has a React/Vite frontend and a FastAPI backend. You will need an OpenAI API key with access to the GPT-4 Vision API.
Run the backend (I use Poetry for package management - pip install poetry
if you don't have it):
cd backend
echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-your-key" > .env
poetry install
poetry shell
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 7001
Run the frontend:
cd frontend
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:5173 to use the app.
If you prefer to run the backend on a different port, update VITE_WS_BACKEND_URL in frontend/.env.local
For debugging purposes, if you don't want to waste GPT4-Vision credits, you can run the backend in mock mode (which streams a pre-recorded response):
MOCK=true poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 7001
If you have Docker installed on your system, in the root directory, run:
echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-your-key" > .env
docker-compose up -d --build
The app will be up and running at http://localhost:5173. Note that you can't develop the application with this setup as the file changes won't trigger a rebuild.
Original | Replica |
Instagram page (with not Taylor Swift pics)
Hacker News but it gets the colors wrong at first so we nudge it
🆕 Try it here (bring your own OpenAI key - your key must have access to GPT-4 Vision. See FAQ section for details). Or see Getting Started for local install instructions.
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