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# The flake interface to llama.cpp's Nix expressions. The flake is used as a
# more discoverable entry-point, as well as a way to pin the dependencies and
# expose default outputs, including the outputs built by the CI.
# For more serious applications involving some kind of customization you may
# want to consider consuming the overlay, or instantiating `llamaPackages`
# directly:
# ```nix
# pkgs.callPackage ${llama-cpp-root}/.devops/nix/scope.nix { }`
# ```
# Cf. https://jade.fyi/blog/flakes-arent-real/ for a more detailed exposition
# of the relation between Nix and the Nix Flakes.
description = "Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
# There's an optional binary cache available. The details are below, but they're commented out.
# Why? The terrible experience of being prompted to accept them on every single Nix command run.
# Plus, there are warnings shown about not being a trusted user on a default Nix install
# if you *do* say yes to the prompts.
# This experience makes having `nixConfig` in a flake a persistent UX problem.
# To make use of the binary cache, please add the relevant settings to your `nix.conf`.
# It's located at `/etc/nix/nix.conf` on non-NixOS systems. On NixOS, adjust the `nix.settings`
# option in your NixOS configuration to add `extra-substituters` and `extra-trusted-public-keys`,
# as shown below.
# ```
# nixConfig = {
# extra-substituters = [
# # Populated by the CI in ggerganov/llama.cpp
# "https://llama-cpp.cachix.org"
# # A development cache for nixpkgs imported with `config.cudaSupport = true`.
# # Populated by https://hercules-ci.com/github/SomeoneSerge/nixpkgs-cuda-ci.
# # This lets one skip building e.g. the CUDA-enabled openmpi.
# # TODO: Replace once nix-community obtains an official one.
# "https://cuda-maintainers.cachix.org"
# ];
# # Verify these are the same keys as published on
# # - https://app.cachix.org/cache/llama-cpp
# # - https://app.cachix.org/cache/cuda-maintainers
# extra-trusted-public-keys = [
# "llama-cpp.cachix.org-1:H75X+w83wUKTIPSO1KWy9ADUrzThyGs8P5tmAbkWhQc="
# "cuda-maintainers.cachix.org-1:0dq3bujKpuEPMCX6U4WylrUDZ9JyUG0VpVZa7CNfq5E="
# ];
# };
# ```
# For inspection, use `nix flake show github:ggerganov/llama.cpp` or the nix repl:
# ```bash
# ❯ nix repl
# nix-repl> :lf github:ggerganov/llama.cpp
# Added 13 variables.
# nix-repl> outputs.apps.x86_64-linux.quantize
# { program = "/nix/store/00000000000000000000000000000000-llama.cpp/bin/llama-quantize"; type = "app"; }
# ```
outputs =
{ self, flake-parts, ... }@inputs:
# We could include the git revisions in the package names but those would
# needlessly trigger rebuilds:
# llamaVersion = self.dirtyShortRev or self.shortRev;
# Nix already uses cryptographic hashes for versioning, so we'll just fix
# the fake semver for now:
llamaVersion = "0.0.0";
flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; }
imports = [
# An overlay can be used to have a more granular control over llama-cpp's
# dependencies and configuration, than that offered by the `.override`
# mechanism. Cf. https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-overlays.
# E.g. in a flake:
# ```
# { nixpkgs, llama-cpp, ... }:
# let pkgs = import nixpkgs {
# overlays = [ (llama-cpp.overlays.default) ];
# system = "aarch64-linux";
# config.allowUnfree = true;
# config.cudaSupport = true;
# config.cudaCapabilities = [ "7.2" ];
# config.cudaEnableForwardCompat = false;
# }; in {
# packages.aarch64-linux.llamaJetsonXavier = pkgs.llamaPackages.llama-cpp;
# }
# ```
# Cf. https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-flake.html?highlight=flake#flake-format
flake.overlays.default = (
final: prev: {
llamaPackages = final.callPackage .devops/nix/scope.nix { inherit llamaVersion; };
inherit (final.llamaPackages) llama-cpp;
systems = [
"x86_64-darwin" # x86_64-darwin isn't tested (and likely isn't relevant)
perSystem =
# For standardised reproducible formatting with `nix fmt`
formatter = pkgs.nixfmt-rfc-style;
# Unlike `.#packages`, legacyPackages may contain values of
# arbitrary types (including nested attrsets) and may even throw
# exceptions. This attribute isn't recursed into by `nix flake
# show` either.
# You can add arbitrary scripts to `.devops/nix/scope.nix` and
# access them as `nix build .#llamaPackages.${scriptName}` using
# the same path you would with an overlay.
legacyPackages = {
llamaPackages = pkgs.callPackage .devops/nix/scope.nix { inherit llamaVersion; };
llamaPackagesWindows = pkgs.pkgsCross.mingwW64.callPackage .devops/nix/scope.nix { inherit llamaVersion; };
llamaPackagesCuda = pkgsCuda.callPackage .devops/nix/scope.nix { inherit llamaVersion; };
llamaPackagesRocm = pkgsRocm.callPackage .devops/nix/scope.nix { inherit llamaVersion; };
# We don't use the overlay here so as to avoid making too many instances of nixpkgs,
# cf. https://zimbatm.com/notes/1000-instances-of-nixpkgs
packages =
default = config.legacyPackages.llamaPackages.llama-cpp;
vulkan = config.packages.default.override { useVulkan = true; };
windows = config.legacyPackages.llamaPackagesWindows.llama-cpp;
// lib.optionalAttrs pkgs.stdenv.isLinux {
cuda = config.legacyPackages.llamaPackagesCuda.llama-cpp;
mpi-cpu = config.packages.default.override { useMpi = true; };
mpi-cuda = config.packages.default.override { useMpi = true; };
// lib.optionalAttrs (system == "x86_64-linux") {
rocm = config.legacyPackages.llamaPackagesRocm.llama-cpp;
# Packages exposed in `.#checks` will be built by the CI and by
# `nix flake check`.
# We could test all outputs e.g. as `checks = confg.packages`.
# TODO: Build more once https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/6346 has been addressed
checks = {
inherit (config.packages) default vulkan;
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