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A collection of .gitignore templates

This is GitHub’s collection of .gitignore file templates. We use this list to populate the .gitignore template choosers available in the GitHub.com interface when creating new repositories and files.

For more information about how .gitignore files work, and how to use them, the following resources are a great place to start:

Folder structure

We support a collection of templates, organized in this way:

  • the root folder contains templates in common use, to help people get started with popular programming languages and technologies. These define a meaningful set of rules to help get started, and ensure you are not committing unimportant files into your repository
  • Global contains templates for various editors, tools and operating systems that can be used in different situations. It is recommended that you either add these to your global template or merge these rules into your project-specific templates if you want to use them permanently.
  • community contains specialized templates for other popular languages, tools and project, which don't currently belong in the mainstream templates. These should be added to your project-specific templates when you decide to adopt the framework or tool.

What makes a good template?

A template should contain a set of rules to help Git repositories work with a specific programming language, framework, tool or environment.

If it's not possible to curate a small set of useful rules for this situation, then the template is not a good fit for this collection.

If a template is mostly a list of files installed by a particular version of some software (e.g. a PHP framework), it could live under the community directory. See versioned templates for more details.

If you have a small set of rules, or want to support a technology that is not widely in use, and still believe this will be helpful to others, please read the section about specialized templates for more details.

Include details when opening pull request if the template is important and visible. We may not accept it immediately, but we can promote it to the root at a later date based on interest.

Please also understand that we can’t list every tool that ever existed. Our aim is to curate a collection of the most common and helpful templates, not to make sure we cover every project possible. If we choose not to include your language, tool, or project, it’s not because it’s not awesome.

Contributing guidelines

We’d love for you to help us improve this project. To help us keep this collection high quality, we request that contributions adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Provide a link to the application or project’s homepage. Unless it’s extremely popular, there’s a chance the maintainers don’t know about or use the language, framework, editor, app, or project your change applies to.

  • Provide links to documentation supporting the change you’re making. Current, canonical documentation mentioning the files being ignored is best. If documentation isn’t available to support your change, do the best you can to explain what the files being ignored are for.

  • Explain why you’re making a change. Even if it seems self-evident, please take a sentence or two to tell us why your change or addition should happen. It’s especially helpful to articulate why this change applies to everyone who works with the applicable technology, rather than just you or your team.

  • Please consider the scope of your change. If your change is specific to a certain language or framework, then make sure the change is made to the template for that language or framework, rather than to the template for an editor, tool, or operating system.

  • Please only modify one template per pull request. This helps keep pull requests and feedback focused on a specific project or technology.

In general, the more you can do to help us understand the change you’re making, the more likely we’ll be to accept your contribution quickly.

Versioned templates

Some templates can change greatly between versions, and if you wish to contribute to this repository we need to follow this specific flow:

  • the template at the root should be the current supported version
  • the template at the root should not have a version in the filename (i.e. "evergreen")
  • previous versions of templates should live under community/
  • previous versions of the template should embed the version in the filename, for readability

This helps ensure users get the latest version (because they'll use whatever is at the root) but helps maintainers support older versions still in the wild.

Specialized templates

If you have a template that you would like to contribute, but it isn't quite mainstream, please consider adding this to the community directory under a folder that best suits where it belongs.

The rules in your specialized template should be specific to the framework or tool, and any additional templates should be mentioned in a comment in the header of the template.

For example, this template might live at community/DotNet/InforCRM.gitignore:

# gitignore template for InforCRM (formerly SalesLogix)
# website: https://www.infor.com/product-summary/cx/infor-crm/
# Recommended: VisualStudio.gitignore

# Ignore model files that are auto-generated

# Ignore deployment files

# Force include portal SupportFiles

Contributing workflow

Here’s how we suggest you go about proposing a change to this project:

  1. Fork this project to your account.
  2. Create a branch for the change you intend to make.
  3. Make your changes to your fork.
  4. Send a pull request from your fork’s branch to our master branch.

Using the web-based interface to make changes is fine too, and will help you by automatically forking the project and prompting to send a pull request too.



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