# ASP.NET Boilerplate
ASP.NET Boilerplate is a general purpose application framework specially designed for new modern web applications. It uses already familiar tools and implements best practices around them to provide you a SOLID development experience.
ASP.NET Boilerplate works with the latest ASP.NET Core & EF Core but also supports ASP.NET MVC 5.x & EF 6.x as well.
Designed to be modular and extensible, ABP provides the infrastructure to build your own modules, too.
SaaS applications made easy! Integrated multi-tenancy from database to UI.
Comprehensive documentation and quick start tutorials.
Don't Repeat Yourself! ASP.NET Boilerplate automates common software development tasks by convention. You focus on your business code!
See the Introduction document for more details.
ABP provides a layered architectural model based on Domain Driven Design and provides a SOLID model for your application.
See the NLayer Architecture document for more details.
ASP.NET Boilerplate is distributed as NuGet packages.
This is an ASP.NET Boilerplate module integrated with Microsoft ASP.NET Identity.
Implements abstract concepts of ASP.NET Boilerplate framework:
Also adds common enterprise application features:
Module Zero packages define entities and implement base domain logic for these concepts.
Packages integrated into ASP.NET Core Identity and Identity Server 4 (supports .NET Standard).
Package | Status |
Abp.ZeroCore | |
Abp.ZeroCore.EntityFrameworkCore | |
Abp.ZeroCore.IdentityServer4 | |
Abp.ZeroCore.IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore |
Packages integrated into ASP.NET Identity 2.x.
Package | Status |
Abp.Zero | |
Abp.Zero.Owin | |
Abp.Zero.AspNetCore | |
Abp.Zero.EntityFramework |
Shared packages between the Abp.ZeroCore.* and Abp.Zero.* packages.
Package | Status |
Abp.Zero.Common | |
Abp.Zero.Ldap |
You can create your project from startup templates to easily start with Module Zero:
A screenshot of the ASP.NET Core based startup template:
You can directly run the startup template on your computer as a docker container:
docker run -p 9902:80 volosoft/abp-template
See https://hub.docker.com/r/volosoft/abp-template/ for more info.
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