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darknet2ncnn将darknet 模型转换为ncnn模型,实现darknet网络模型在移动端的快速部署

码云 : https://gitee.com/damone/darknet2ncnn

  1. 除 local/xor conv, rnn, lstm, gru, crnn及iseg外,均提供支持
  2. 自定义添加了所有ncnn不直接支持的activation操作,实现位于层DarknetActivation
  3. 自定义添加了shortcut层的实现,实现位于层DarknetShortCut
  4. 自定义添加了yolo层及detection层的实现,支持YOLOV1及YOLOV3
  5. 提供了转换后的模型校验工具,convert_verify,支持检验每一层网络的计算输出,支持卷积层参数检查,方便快速定位模型转换中出现的问题


  1. Install opencv-dev, gcc, g++, make, cmake

  2. 下载源码

git clone https://github.com/xiangweizeng/darknet2ncnn.git
  1. 初始化 submodule
cd darknet2ncnn
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. 构建 darknet
cd darknet2
make -j8
rm libdarknet.so
  1. 构建 ncnn
# workspace darknet2ncnn
cd ncnn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
make install
cd ../../
  1. 构建 darknet2ncnn , convert_verify and libdarknet2ncnn.a
# workspace darknet2ncnn
make -j8
  1. 模型转换及验证
  • Cifar
# workspace darknet2ncnn
make cifar
./darknet2ncnn data/cifar.cfg  data/cifar.backup example/zoo/cifar.param  example/zoo/cifar.bin 
layer     filters    size              input                output
    0 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1    28 x  28 x   3   ->    28 x  28 x 128  0.005 BFLOPs
    1 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1    28 x  28 x 128   ->    28 x  28 x 128  0.231 BFLOPs
   13 dropout       p = 0.50               25088  ->  25088
   14 conv     10  1 x 1 / 1     7 x   7 x 512   ->     7 x   7 x  10  0.001 BFLOPs
   15 avg                        7 x   7 x  10   ->    10
   16 softmax                                          10
Loading weights from data/cifar.backup...Done!
./convert_verify data/cifar.cfg  data/cifar.backup example/zoo/cifar.param  example/zoo/cifar.bin  example/data/21263_ship.png
layer     filters    size              input                output
    0 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1    28 x  28 x   3   ->    28 x  28 x 128  0.005 BFLOPs
    1 conv    128  3 x 3 / 1    28 x  28 x 128   ->    28 x  28 x 128  0.231 BFLOPs
   13 dropout       p = 0.50               25088  ->  25088
   14 conv     10  1 x 1 / 1     7 x   7 x 512   ->     7 x   7 x  10  0.001 BFLOPs
   15 avg                        7 x   7 x  10   ->    10
   16 softmax                                          10
Loading weights from data/cifar.backup...Done!

Start run all operation:
conv_0 : weights diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : slope diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : mean diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : variance diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : biases diff : 0.000000
Layer: 0, Blob : conv_0_activation, Total Diff 595.703918 Avg Diff: 0.005936
Layer: 14, Blob : conv_14_activation, Total Diff 35.058342 Avg Diff: 0.071548
Layer: 15, Blob : gloabl_avg_pool_15, Total Diff 0.235242 Avg Diff: 0.023524
Layer: 16, Blob : softmax_16, Total Diff 0.000001 Avg Diff: 0.000000

  • Yolov3-tiny
 make yolov3-tiny.net 
./darknet2ncnn data/yolov3-tiny.cfg  data/yolov3-tiny.weights example/zoo/yolov3-tiny.param  example/zoo/yolov3-tiny.bin 
layer     filters    size              input                output
    0 conv     16  3 x 3 / 1   416 x 416 x   3   ->   416 x 416 x  16  0.150 BFLOPs
   22 conv    255  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 255  0.088 BFLOPs
   23 yolo
Loading weights from data/yolov3-tiny.weights...Done!
./convert_verify data/yolov3-tiny.cfg  data/yolov3-tiny.weights example/zoo/yolov3-tiny.param  example/zoo/yolov3-tiny.bin example/data/dog.jpg
layer     filters    size              input                output
    0 conv     16  3 x 3 / 1   416 x 416 x   3   ->   416 x 416 x  16  0.150 BFLOPs
    1 max          2 x 2 / 2   416 x 416 x  16   ->   208 x 208 x  16
   20 route  19 8
   21 conv    256  3 x 3 / 1    26 x  26 x 384   ->    26 x  26 x 256  1.196 BFLOPs
   22 conv    255  1 x 1 / 1    26 x  26 x 256   ->    26 x  26 x 255  0.088 BFLOPs
   23 yolo
Loading weights from data/yolov3-tiny.weights...Done!

Start run all operation:
conv_0 : weights diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : slope diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : mean diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : variance diff : 0.000000
conv_0_batch_norm : biases diff : 0.000000
conv_22 : weights diff : 0.000000
conv_22 : biases diff : 0.000000
Layer: 22, Blob : conv_22_activation, Total Diff 29411.240234 Avg Diff: 0.170619
  1. 构建 example
# workspace darknet2ncnn
cd example
make -j2
  1. 运行 classifier
# workspace example
make cifar.cifar
./classifier zoo/cifar.param  zoo/cifar.bin  data/32516_dog.png data/cifar_lable.txt
4    deer                             = 0.263103
6    frog                             = 0.224274
5    dog                              = 0.191360
3    cat                              = 0.180164
2    bird                             = 0.094251
  1. 运行 Yolo
  • Run YoloV3-tiny
# workspace example
 make yolov3-tiny.coco
 ./yolo zoo/yolov3-tiny.param  zoo/yolov3-tiny.bin  data/dog.jpg  data/coco.names
3  [car             ] = 0.64929 at 252.10 92.13 114.88 x 52.98
2  [bicycle         ] = 0.60786 at 111.18 134.81 201.40 x 160.01
17 [dog             ] = 0.56338 at 69.91 152.89 130.30 x 179.04
8  [truck           ] = 0.54883 at 288.70 103.80 47.98 x 34.17
3  [car             ] = 0.28332 at 274.47 100.36 48.90 x 35.03
  • YoloV3-tiny figure





  1. 构建 benchmark
# workspace darknet2ncnn
cd benchmark
  1. 运行 benchmark
  • Firefly RK3399 thread2
firefly@firefly:~/project/darknet2ncnn/benchmark$ ./benchdarknet 10  2 &
[1] 4556
loop_count = 10
num_threads = 2
powersave = 0
firefly@firefly:~/project/darknet2ncnn/benchmark$ taskset -pc 4,5 4556
pid 4556's current affinity list: 0-5
pid 4556's new affinity list: 4,5         
           cifar  min =   85.09  max =   89.15  avg =   85.81
         alexnet  min =  218.38  max =  220.96  avg =  218.88
         darknet  min =   88.38  max =   88.95  avg =   88.63
       darknet19  min =  330.55  max =  337.12  avg =  333.64
       darknet53  min =  874.69  max =  920.99  avg =  897.19
     densenet201  min =  678.99  max =  684.97  avg =  681.38
      extraction  min =  332.78  max =  340.54  avg =  334.98
        resnet18  min =  238.93  max =  245.66  avg =  240.32
        resnet34  min =  398.92  max =  404.93  avg =  402.18
        resnet50  min =  545.39  max =  558.67  avg =  551.90
       resnet101  min =  948.88  max =  960.51  avg =  952.99
       resnet152  min = 1350.78  max = 1373.51  avg = 1363.40
       resnext50  min =  660.55  max =  698.07  avg =  669.49
resnext101-32x4d  min = 1219.80  max = 1232.07  avg = 1227.58
resnext152-32x4d  min = 1788.03  max = 1798.79  avg = 1795.48
          vgg-16  min =  883.33  max =  903.98  avg =  895.03
     yolov1-tiny  min =  222.40  max =  227.51  avg =  224.67
     yolov2-tiny  min =  250.54  max =  259.84  avg =  252.38
     yolov3-tiny  min =  240.80  max =  249.98  avg =  245.08

  • Firefly RK3399 thread4
firefly@firefly:~/project/darknet2ncnn/benchmark$ ./benchdarknet 10  4 &
[1] 4663 
loop_count = 10
num_threads = 4
powersave = 0
firefly@firefly:~/project/darknet2ncnn/benchmark$ taskset -pc 0-3 4663
pid 4663's current affinity list: 0-5
pid 4663's new affinity list: 0-3        
           cifar  min =   96.51  max =  108.22  avg =  100.60
         alexnet  min =  411.38  max =  432.00  avg =  420.11
         darknet  min =  101.89  max =  119.73  avg =  106.46
       darknet19  min =  421.46  max =  453.59  avg =  433.74
       darknet53  min = 1375.30  max = 1492.79  avg = 1406.82
     densenet201  min = 1154.26  max = 1343.53  avg = 1218.28
      extraction  min =  399.31  max =  460.01  avg =  428.17
        resnet18  min =  317.70  max =  376.89  avg =  338.93
        resnet34  min =  567.30  max =  604.44  avg =  580.65
        resnet50  min =  838.94  max =  978.21  avg =  925.14
       resnet101  min = 1562.60  max = 1736.91  avg = 1642.27
       resnet152  min = 2250.32  max = 2394.38  avg = 2311.42
       resnext50  min =  993.34  max = 1210.04  avg = 1093.05
resnext101-32x4d  min = 2207.74  max = 2366.66  avg = 2281.82
resnext152-32x4d  min = 3139.89  max = 3372.58  avg = 3282.99
          vgg-16  min = 1259.17  max = 1359.55  avg = 1300.04
     yolov1-tiny  min =  272.31  max =  330.71  avg =  295.98
     yolov2-tiny  min =  314.25  max =  352.12  avg =  329.02
     yolov3-tiny  min =  300.28  max =  349.13  avg =  322.54




  1. cifar


  1. alexnet
  2. darknet
  3. darknet19
  4. darknet53
  5. densenet201
  6. extraction
  7. resnet18
  8. resnet34
  9. resnet50
  10. resnet101
  11. resnet152
  12. resnext50
  13. resnext101-32x4d
  14. resnext152-32x4d
  15. vgg-16


  1. yolov1-tiny
  2. yolov2-tiny
  3. yolov2
  4. yolov3-tiny
  5. yolov3
  6. yolov3-spp


时间单位: ms

Network i7-7700K 4.20GHz 8thread IMX6Q,Topeet 4thead Firefly rk3399 2thread Firefly rk3399 4thread
cifar 62 302 85 100
alexnet 92 649 218 420
darknet 28 297 88 106
darknet19 202 1218 333 433
darknet53 683 3235 897 1406
densenet201 218 2647 681 1218
extraction 244 1226 334 428
resnet18 174 764 240 338
resnet34 311 1408 402 580
resnet50 276 2092 551 925
resnet101 492 3758 952 1642
resnet152 704 5500 1363 2311
resnext50 169 2595 669 1093
resnext101-32x4d 296 5274 1227 2281
resnext152-32x4d 438 7818 1795 3282
vgg-16 884 3597 895 1300
yolov1-tiny 98 843 224 295
yolov2-tiny 155 987 252 329
yolov2 1846 Out of memofy Out of memofy Out of memofy
yolov3-tiny 159 951 245 322
yolov3 5198 Out of memofy Out of memofy Out of memofy
yolov3-spp 5702 Out of memofy Out of memofy Out of memofy
MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Joseph Redmon Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


darknet2ncnn将darknet 模型转换为ncnn模型,实现darknet网络模型在移动端的快速部署 展开 收起
C++ 等 2 种语言






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