This Git repo contains the source content for www.chromium.org.
NOTE: 2021-11-15. This is not (yet) actually true. This is a work-in-progress repo that we plan to move to.
The website is implemented by serving static content (mostly Markdown files) that is translated / built ahead of time into HTML using the Eleventy static site generator (which is written in Node/JS) and deployed onto Firebase Cloud Hosting.
See //docs/CONTRIBUTING.md if you wish to contribute to the site.
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。