[!NOTE] If you want to develop and run program on Nuclei 200/300/600/900/1000 series RISC-V CPU, please switch to develop or master branch.
This N100 SDK is modified based on the Nuclei SDK framework, NMSIS is also a modified version to support limited feature provided by Nuclei 100 series processor.
We also intergated some RTOSes into Nuclei SDK, which are FreeRTOS, UCOSII and RTThread, you can easily find it in the OS folder.
Both Nuclei riscv gcc and IAR compiler are supported in Nuclei N100 SDK, for IAR compiler support, see ideprojects/iar/README.md.
Wanner to take a try with Nuclei N100 SDK for Nuclei 100 series CPU, click Quick Start with Nuclei N100 SDK to start up.
Wanner to take a try with Nuclei SDK for Nuclei 200/300/600/900/1000 series CPU, click Quick Start with Nuclei SDK to start up.
or setup.sh
in $NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT.setup_config.bat
in %NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT%.source setup.sh
and nuclei_fpga_eval
if you don't pass any SOC and BOARD variable in Make command,
it will use the default SoC and Board.CORE=n100m
make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm all
make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm upload
make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm run_openocd
make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm run_gdb
in the existing terminal, then you can debug it using gdb,
if you want to load your program, you need to type load
to achieve it.GDB_PORT=<portno>
, to change to use new gdb port other than default
, for example, make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm GDB_PORT=3344 run_openocd
and make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm GDB_PORT=3344 run_gdb
make CORE=n100m DOWNLOAD=ilm debug
or minicom
in Linux, teraterm
in Windows, the default UART baudrate we use is 115200
.N100 SDK only support Nuclei RISC-V Toolchain >= 2024.06, and toolchain prefix is riscv64-unknown-elf-
N100 SDK is modified based on Nuclei SDK, so the user experience are similiar to Nuclei SDK, and directory structure is also similar, if you have experience in using Nuclei SDK, it will be easy to use N100 SDK.
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